

KTV免费预定 2022-12-29 9



Computer has a short history but its devolopment is exceedingly fast. It seeems that we cannot work without computer.

In today’s office building, computers can be seen everywhere. Salesmen use computers to contact foreign people by email, by MSN. Engineers use computers to analyze the data and manage the database. Smart businessmen use computers to do business at Taobao and Ebay. Computers are applied in almost every aspect of our life. Can we live without computers? The answer is a loud “No!”. Because computer gives us a brand-new life, a colorful life, a magic life.

With the development of the information technology, now we are able to get information in various ways. In the past, books are the most effective way to get knowledge. Nowadays, we have electronic publication(电子刊物) which are free to download and easy to read it. That is one of the reasons that libraries become quiet. Besides, apart from watching TV,we are able to surf the internet and watch what we like without any annoying advertisement. Isn’t that fantastic? The internet allows us to find whatever you want. You can even ask some on-line experts about some professional knowledge. On the internet, impossible is nothing. However, the development of the Internet is a double-edged sword. Among various information, some information like violence, pornography which have gradually affected young people even kids who are most vulnerable to outside interference. Some young people also indulge themselves in electronic games out of control, which is waste of money and time and their valuable youth. So some proper measurements should be taken to protect our young generation. And some laws about Internet Safety should be carried out strictly.

Talking about computer, one person quickly comes into my mind. That’s Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest men. He has set up his Microsoft Kingdom and changed the whole world. His dream that most of the families would have a computer has already come true in big city. Computer is no long a luxury good for us common people. It has become a necesity. We should respect this man and admire him. He creates the information age, and information age (信息时代) creates his career.

Thanks to computer, we are able to say whatever we like on the internet. Blog, Qzone, Renren are perfect places for us to write down our feelings and our stories. And our friends will see it and leave their blessings or feelings. We are no longer alone. But meanwhile, every coin has two sides. Since we surf thie internet with a virtual name (opposite to the system of real name), war of words can be seen almost in every corner of the internet. I don’t think this is a disaster. On the contray, it is appreciable. People’s different opinions should not be covered by the authority. They should be heard. This is rightful human right. On the Internet, the darkness of the society and political corruption are exposed. We always advocate that the justice should be carried forward. Problems should be argued before just conclusion.



HKDSE english writing partA 求改

To travel to the United Kingdom was my dream …. Last month I was there …! You can see how delighted we were from the photos below. The first sightseeing itinerary was Fantasy Park. It was a famous theme park praised by travelers in Europe for its animals (theme). [这与下文不配合?] The theme park successfully made people joyful by its colours. [读Blog未必认识你,所以as you know错用] I rushed to the Crazy Zone to play something exciting because I like thrills. [作文时常用同一个字来形容是不会高分: like excitement = play…exciting基本上覆述自己,学多一些类同词汇作文才有层次] The [] roller coaster … roller coaster there. [level是中文–删去不影响。文法这句已结束] It was so tall

huge and curved! [两句如结合要连接词] My face was almost tore by the wind [wind是自然风-你想说的因加速而产生的气流]and my heart was beating quickly. [要带读者进入情景…可以先描述As we climbed to top

about 100 feet above

and speeding down the track almost vertically towards the earth

my face…] …. This was the best ride ever! I would like … too many people queuing [crowed是一堆人的拥挤] and [predict用错字] I estimated we would spend …

…. In the park

[] staff dressed up as animals. Their costumes were [merely= 只不过是(眨意)-用错字] exquisite … with their movement/imitation/dancing [posture=姿态(不动的)-用错字]. I [required=必须=一定要-用错字] was dying to take photos with them. [was dying是英文的很想渴望要达成心愿的意思-不是死去中] I felt I became …. After playing and watching the show

we felt hungry

[写游记要交代当时背景情形] my dad suggested eating lunch in Spaghetti House. Originally I felt joyful

but the waitress [destroyed用错字] upset my ? feelings. She was so rude in taking orders. Nevertheless

the [fragrant是香水/花香…不是食物香味…食物香味???] of spaghetti gradually subsided [eliminated用错字] our anger. … I almost vomited. My dad demanded to have the dish changed

but none of the staff was …. With rage

we hadn’t eat anything and left the restaurant. It was the biggest disappointment on that day. I hope I … in the next trip[itinerary=日程表-不是旅程].

参考: 写游记和记叙文有些文法规则: past tense(无论记事或是感受都一样),不能在同时有past tense和present tense(如果你说是DSE我想会扣很多分)和注意表达时的风格是描述还是评论,你文章里用了很多gerund和present participle:一开始就Traveling in…全篇是一种第三身写作(在英国游历是..)的风格,但blog是第一身的风格(我会用To travel to the UK: 去英国游历是..),所以在写作风格或词汇的配合上会出现格格不入的感觉。总体而言:英文词汇缺乏和错用中文意思类近的英文字,句子格式未太掌握用主观第一身和第三身说事之间的写法

---The HKDSE eng writing partA--blog entry--with error and corrections:- ---You should use synonym for verb; just like mark exact points on listening partA with no synonym. (1)---there with my family ! (2)and praised by (3)to have an exciting discovery. (4)was almost torn (5)but it was (6)At the beginning I felt--- (7)Dad requested to see the change of the dish. (8)next item on route on itinerary. --Obviously

there are correction in a way different from that of a more petent examinor

but characteristic of their experience

construction of sentences

and mastery of English Grammar are the same in this ect.




1999年8~12月 “ Tango Argentino /The Revue '99”新人公演/Mike(本役:春野寿美礼)

2000年4月 “源氏物语 あさきゆめみし”新人公演/头中将(本役:匠ひびき)

2000年6月 德意志・柏林公演“宝冢 雪・月・花”“Sunrise Takarazuka ”

2000年11月~2001年3月“ Ludwig II世/ASIAN SUNRISE”新人公演/Dirkheim伯爵(本役:伊织直加)

2001年4月 Bow Hall公演“Manon”Miguel



2001年10月~2002年2月 “爱燃える/Rose Garden”新人公演:吴王夫差(本役:轰悠)*新公初主演


2002年4月 歌剧团88周年记念公演・日生剧场“Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人)”Rene Picard

2002年5~9月 “追忆的巴塞罗纳/ON THE 5th”新人公演:Francisco(本役:絵麻绪ゆう)*新公主演


2002年10~11月 BowHall・日本青年馆公演“Hopscotch”Christopher*与立树遥・音月桂三人主演

2003年1~5月 “春丽の淡き光に/Joyful!!”源赖信

2003年3月 Bow Hall公演Work Shop“春ふたたび”藤原道忠*主演

2003年6月 Bow Hall・日本青年馆公演“American Pie”Jackson(男2)

2003年8~12月“Romance de Paris/Les Collages”Didier

2004年1月 Bow Hall・日本青年馆公演“送られなかった手纸(未曾送出的信)”Dimitri *Bow+东上单独初主演

2004年4~7月 “スサノオ(须佐之男)/Takarazuka Glory!”月读

2004年8~9月 日本青年馆・Drama City公演“あの日见た梦に(那一日的梦中)”Steve(男2)

2004年11月~2005年2月 “青い鸟を捜して(寻找青鸟)/Takarazuka's Dream Kingdom”Milborne

2005年4月 Bow Hall公演“さすらいの果てに(直到流浪的尽头)”Jeffrey少尉 *主演

2005年6~10月 “雾之米兰/Wonderland”Ercole Barone

2005年11~12月 Bow Hall・日本青年馆公演“DAYTIME HUSTLER”Heywood(男2)

2006年2~5月 “凡尔赛玫瑰~奥斯卡编~”Melchior / Gerodelle(二役)

2006年6月 全国公演“凡尔赛玫瑰~奥斯卡编~”安德烈(男2)

2006年9~12月 “堕天使之涙/Tarantella!”Edmond de Rainier



2007年2~5月 “明智小五郎の事件簿-黒蜥蜴-/TUXEDO JAZZ”波越警部

2007年7月 梅田艺术剧场公演“源氏物语 あさきゆめみしII”头中将

2007年8月 晚餐秀“SO! Fantastic Radio Station”

2007年9~12月 “ Adieu Marseille /Love Symphony”Maurice de Broca


2008年2月 中日剧场公演“Melancholic Gigolo / Love SymphonyⅡ”Stan(男2)

2008年5~8月 “爱与死的阿拉伯/Red Hot Sea”Tussun

2008年10月 全国公演“外传凡尔赛玫瑰−亚兰编−/Enter the Revue”安德烈(男2)

2009年1月~3月 “太王四神记”火天会大长老

2009年5月 Bow Hall・日本青年馆公演“オグリ!~小栗判官物语より~”小栗判官 *主演

2009年7月 梅田艺术剧场Main Hall “ME AND MY GIRL”Sir John Tremayne / Jaqueline Carstone(二役)

2009年9月~11月 “外传凡尔赛玫瑰−安德烈编−/EXCITER!!”亚兰 *二番手披露



(2009年12月23日~2010年1月6日:梅田艺术剧场Drama City、2010年1月15日~1月22日:日本青年馆)



2010年7月~10月,“丽しのサブリナ(龙凤配)/EXCITER!!”David Larrabee


2010年11月~12月 全国公演“Melancholic Gigolo / Love Symphony”Stan

2011年2~4月 “Prelude of Love / Le Paradis!!”Joseph Barkley


5月 壮一帆晚餐秀“Bright−ブライト−”



2011年6月~9月“PHANTOM”Gerard Carriere


10月~11月 “Canary”Vim *主演(梅芸DramaCity ・日本青年馆公演)


1月 - 3月『复活-恋が终わり、爱が残った-/カノン』 シェンボック

4月 - 5月 全国ツアー『长い春の果てに/カノン』クロード

7月 - 10月『サン=テグジュペリ/CONGA!!』ギヨメ



2月 『若き日の呗は忘れじ/Shining Rhythm!』(中日剧场) 就任雪组TOP前披

4月~7月『ベルサイユのばら -フェルゼン编-』フェルゼン 就任雪组TOP披露目 

8月 - 9月 全国ツアー『若き日の呗は忘れじ/ナルシス・ノアールII』 牧文四郎 *予定

11月 - 翌年2月 『Shall we ダンス?/CONGRATULATIONS 宝冢!!』 ヘイリー・ハーツ *予定


3月 - 4月 ドラマシティ・日本青年馆公演 『心中・恋の大和路』 *予定

6月 - 8月 『一梦庵风流记 前田庆次/My Dream TAKARAZUKA』 *予定 2002年 ‘ホップ・スコッチ’(立树遥・音月桂とトリプル主演)

2004年 ‘送られなかった手纸’(単独初主演)

2009年 ‘オグリ! ~小栗判官物语より~’


2003年 ‘春ふたたび’(WS)

2005年 ‘さすらいの果てに’(WS)


2007年 ‘SO! Fantastic Radio Station’(演出:中村暁)

2011年 ‘Bright−ブライト−’(演出:冈田敬二)


2011年 ‘Canary’

2012年 『So in Love』(演出:中村一徳)




I recently read a book oz.

The wizard of oz, a feature of the fairy tale. The author of this book is to Bob frank baumschulenweg. The hero is a little more, name, Laura she held a puppy, and her uncle Henry, amber sister-in-law, living in the central Kansas prairie. Because a tornado, she and her dog is coiled in a strange world, they find immortals let oneself go home. She met a "no" and "no brain scarecrow of tin man" and "the lion" gutless, they became friends, and rose to find immortals, dasey way has a lot of strange things. Finally, the scarecrow became the emerald city leaders, who became the leader, WenJi people become an old lion king of the forest, dasey and her dog rose back home.

Friends are very precious. With the scarecrow, dasey rose more than iron and the lion, never met together, and then to friends together and help each other, the results achieved their desire. If much rose to the strange world dasey, did not meet the scarecrow, perhaps she will they not return back to Kansas prairie, uncle Henry and amber not. Sister-in-law, At the strange world, more prosperous, dasey rose can either slaves, either a vagrant life.

Friends are very important. In you encounter difficulties, need the help of friends, When you are in trouble, friends will help you, then you can well solve the difficulties. Friends are very important, you must cherish him: everyone should help each other and love each other, and establish friendship, solidarity, not because little things over, the friendship between friends.

But our classmate did not help each other, but the fight with each other, at others. But we are friends, we should help each other just rightness. We have six years old classmate, is not damaged the six years of friendship, still have a long way behind, we still want to help, how can it destroyed it?

Friends are very rare and very important, we must cherish him, and make our life more beautiful







During the summer vacation, I read a book by Robert frank baumschulenweg lehmann compilation book of fairy tales oz, this book took me into a fairy kingdom, make me feel pure dream. The story made me have changed more than before, I become more confident and dare.

The wizard of oz in fictional oz, Kansas, USA, the little girl cried rose by more than a tornado winding MengJiJin called the place, good witch advice to her emerald city to find otzi nus warlock help drive her home. The road, she has met the scarecrow  he needed a deputy head, Ironhide woodcutter  he needed a heart, Cowardly lion  he need courage. They go together, and encourage each other, help each other, overcoming the difficulties, and finally came to the city of jade. Because of their excellent performance, large warlock help them realize their wishes, scarecrow gets a deputy head, Ironhide woodcutter had a heart, Timid lion got guts, rose, dasey also with dog toto returned to his hometown, returned to the family.

In the process of reading, dasey rose more than I thought, dasey rose is my good friend, seem to my heart and with more experience of rose from time to time, dasey rejoice, tension, amazing, sorry. Her brave performance, the kind heart, strong will, let me feel very small, for his cowardice and very embarrassed. Because long ago, I saw a dog was afraid. Sometimes I asked myself: "if I was not as I will, Lola Lola as bravely dasey more difficulties, and help others?" After watching the fairy tale, I am determined to more like courage, dasey rose as with unremitting pursuit and struggle spirit to face all kinds of difficulties and overcome study, the life of all factors, bravely challenges, I believe I can do it!

I like the wizard of oz, it lets me have a good friend - dasey; more rose. I like the wizard of oz, it brings me happiness, I like the wizard of oz, it gives me courage, I like the wizard of oz!





my dream手抄报英语简单



1、For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

2、The voice of one man is the voice of no one. 一个人的声音没有力量。

3、Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。

4、Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更响亮。

5、Love rules his kingdom without a sword. 爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝利剑。

英语作文:(开头)I had a dream last night.In my dream,I…



I had a dream last night. In my dream, I dreamed that a flying horse came to me, and it was the queen of the flying horses!


So I rode it to the door of my friend's house, it called a Pegasus, we came to the beautiful Pegasus kingdom.


"Wow" it's so beautiful here! " In front of you is the rainbow staircase. I followed Pegasus into a beautiful room. There is a crystal button on the door. When I press that button, it shows "welcome, master".


Entering the door, Pegasus said mysteriously, "my master, can we go to a place together now?" I felt my head suspiciously and asked, "where are you going?" It said, "I won't tell you. Please follow me." When I got there, I couldn't help shouting. It was a fairyland on earth.


We went down the sky slide together and got on the cloud plane. There were many buttons on the cloud plane. I pressed a red button, a bottle of juice I like to drink appeared in front of me, I pressed the purple button again, and a teddy bear appeared... Amazing!


Then, we got off the cloud plane and came to another room. There was a big screen here. When I touched it with my hand, many beautiful moral education stories appeared on the screen. I was really dazzled. I chose one and sat there watching it with relish.


"Ding Ding Ding" I was woken up by the alarm clock, ah! It's an interesting dream. If only it were true!

